Build a Strong Foundation in Marketing with Salesforce Marketing Cloud Associate

You will learn the Salesforce ecosystem and the basics of the Salesforce Customer 360 Platform. The course prepares you for a career in Salesforce or further Salesforce certifications.

Earn Resume-Worthy Salesforce Marketing Associate Credential

The Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate course prepares newcomers to validate their foundational marketing knowledge, including what Marketing Cloud Engagement is and how it solves business needs based on Salesforce best practices.

Course Features


4 Months

1 Hr per class

3 Days a Week


Live Class

Self-Paced via LMS



Show and Tell

Hands-on Exercises

Salesforce Platform Access


Unlimited Interview Prep

24x7 Mentor Support

Resume Building Assistance

Course Format: hybrid learning model

Course Format:

hybrid learning model

Details of Live Class Session

  • Hours Covered: 15 hrs

  • Hours Per Class: 1 hr

  • Course Duration: 6 Weeks

  • Classes Hold 3x Per Week

28% - Marketing Concepts - 5 Topics

  • Describe key components of a marketing strategy and how they align with the overall marketing purpose.

  • Given a scenario, identify key requirements for implementing an effective email opt-in process in a marketing campaign.

  • Recall the regional nature of privacy laws with respect to the subscriber base in order to uphold privacy standards in the context of marketing.

  • Given a scenario, provide examples of basic email goals, metrics, and relative value in assessing the success of a marketing campaign.

  • Given a customer experience scenario, summarize the type of content and message conveyed to the target audience.

22% - Marketing Cloud Engagement Basics - 5 Topics

  • Identify solutions for regional or business related account structures as they relate to business units and corresponding permissions in Marketing Cloud Engagement.

  • Apply essential features of Marketing Cloud Engagement (MCE) for marketing activities.

  • Identify different Salesforce curated resources for assistance, training, and support when using Marketing Cloud Engagement.

  • Differentiate between subscriber keys, contact keys, and contact IDs to uniquely identify subscribers.

  • Given requirements, determine a proper Cloudpage form submission setup.

22% - Email Sending and Journeys - 5 Topics

  • Outline the necessary configurations to activate a journey and configure entry criteria for a successful activation.

  • Given a scenario, identify the recommended configuration for the email send wizard settings.

  • Distinguish between template components and content blocks when building emails in Marketing Cloud Engagement.

  • Given a scenario, identify which journey functionality should be used to address business needs.

  • Given a scenario, identify how to accomplish content rendering validation.

18% - Data Management - 3 Topic2

  • Given a scenario, summarize the various data import mechanisms and requirements.

  • Configure settings when creating a new data extension, including settings for data fields.

  • Given a scenario, recommend the best way to interpret a data extension to identify the desired target data

10% - Reporting and Analytics - 2 Topics

  • Identify where specific data can be found in Marketing Cloud Engagement.

  • Interpret undesired send results and possible deliverability consequences.

Details of What This Study Guide Covers

  • Covers all 5 Sections of the official Salesforce Certification Exam Guide.

    • 28% - Marketing Concepts

    • 22% - Marketing Cloud Engagement Basics

    • 22% - Email Sending and Journeys

    • 18% - Data Management

    • 10% - Reporting and Analytics

  • Explains in detail all objectives within each section (a total of 11 objectives).

  • Topic summaries that you can use to learn the topics efficiently.

  • Explanations in plain English, with screenshots and diagrams (rather than endless, unremarkable text).

  • Easy to read bullet points.

  • Review Flashcards (with questions and answers) for each section.

  • Includes links to lots of extra resources for further reading.

  • Scenarios and requirements with sample answers to test your ability to determine solutions.

  • Unlimited Access and Updates for 12 months.

28% - Marketing Concepts - 5 Topics

  • Describe key components of a marketing strategy and how they align with the overall marketing purpose.

  • Given a scenario, identify key requirements for implementing an effective email opt-in process in a marketing campaign.

  • Recall the regional nature of privacy laws with respect to the subscriber base in order to uphold privacy standards in the context of marketing.

  • Given a scenario, provide examples of basic email goals, metrics, and relative value in assessing the success of a marketing campaign.

  • Given a customer experience scenario, summarize the type of content and message conveyed to the target audience.

22% - Marketing Cloud Engagement Basics - 5 Topics

  • Identify solutions for regional or business related account structures as they relate to business units and corresponding permissions in Marketing Cloud Engagement.

  • Apply essential features of Marketing Cloud Engagement (MCE) for marketing activities.

  • Identify different Salesforce curated resources for assistance, training, and support when using Marketing Cloud Engagement.

  • Differentiate between subscriber keys, contact keys, and contact IDs to uniquely identify subscribers.

  • Given requirements, determine a proper Cloudpage form submission setup.

22% - Email Sending and Journeys - 5 Topics

  • Outline the necessary configurations to activate a journey and configure entry criteria for a successful activation.

  • Given a scenario, identify the recommended configuration for the email send wizard settings.

  • Distinguish between template components and content blocks when building emails in Marketing Cloud Engagement.

  • Given a scenario, identify which journey functionality should be used to address business needs.

  • Given a scenario, identify how to accomplish content rendering validation.

18% - Data Management - 3 Topic2

  • Given a scenario, summarize the various data import mechanisms and requirements.

  • Configure settings when creating a new data extension, including settings for data fields.

  • Given a scenario, recommend the best way to interpret a data extension to identify the desired target data

10% - Reporting and Analytics - 2 Topics

  • Identify where specific data can be found in Marketing Cloud Engagement.

  • Interpret undesired send results and possible deliverability consequences.

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Free Salesforce Certification Practice Quiz

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The Associate Practice Exam

This sample practice exam is offered by Salesforce and it's intended to give you an idea of what you can expect from our fully fledged Associate Exams. It only contains a fraction of the questions from our main practice exams, but we've still made sure it's incredibly useful! There are 10 random sample questions that cover the topics in the exam.. To begin, please select whether you'd like to be timed or not. The test will start as soon as you select an option. Good luck!

Practice Exams: same as the actual exam

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The Associate Practice Exam

It has over 120 practice questions, 3 full practice exams of 40 questions each, and covers all 4 sections and 11 objectives of the official Salesforce Certification Exam Guide.

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  • Over 400 practice questions

  • 6 full practice exams of 60 questions each, same as the actual exam

  • Practice questions that cover all 7 sections of the official Salesforce Certification Exam Guide

  • Questions cover every objective within each of the sections

  • Each exam is timed, so you can test yourself under timed conditions

  • Single and multiple choice questions as in actual exam

  • Topic Exams - practice questions on a specific topic to ensure that you have grasped it

  • Detailed explanations, screenshots and reference links so you are not left wondering

  • Section level feedback - so you know where you need to concentrate your study

  • Ask any questions you have regarding the topics and get a personal response in the forums

SFMC Associate payment plan

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This is what you get:

  • Live Class Sessions

  • 1 Hour Per Class

  • 3 Days A Week

  • Hands-On Exercises

  • Salesforce Platform Access

  • Certification Practice Exam

  • World Class LMS

  • Salesforce Pro Community

Any discount coupon will be applied at checkout.

This is what you get:

  • Live Class Sessions

  • 1 Hour Per Class

  • 3 Days A Week

  • Hands-On Exercises

  • Salesforce Platform Access

  • Certification Practice Exam

  • World Class LMS

  • Salesforce Pro Community

Any discount coupon will be applied at checkout.

This is what you get:

  • Live Class Sessions

  • 1 Hour Per Class

  • 3 Days A Week

  • Hands-On Exercises

  • Salesforce Platform Access

  • Certification Practice Exam

  • World Class LMS

  • Salesforce Pro Community

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Interest Payments of

$600 Every 2 Weeks

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Pay for your practice exam once.

Flexible Financing

Pay in 4 Times

Interest-Free Payments of $300 Every 2 Weeks

Pay in 6 Times

Interest Payments of $215.55 Every Month

Pay in 12 Times

Interest Payments of $114.66 Every Month

Financing Options

Paid Every Two Weeks

  • 4 Payments of $225 each.

  • No Interest

  • No impact on credit

  • Total cost is $900

Paid Monthly

  • Months: 6 - 60 Months

  • Interest: 0–36%

  • No fees to apply

  • No impact on credit

  • Total cost is $900

Paid Every Two Weeks

  • 4 Payments of $225 each.

  • No Interest

  • No impact on credit

  • Total cost is $900

Paid Monthly

  • Months: 6 - 12 Months

  • Interest: 6.99%

  • No fees to apply

  • No impact on credit

  • Total cost is $900

Paid Every Two Weeks

  • 4 Payments of $225 each.

  • No Interest

  • No impact on credit

  • Total cost is $900

Paid Monthly

  • Months: 6 - 24 Months

  • Interest: 9.99-35.99%

  • No fees to apply

  • No impact on credit

  • Total cost is $900

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